Tuesday, 29 March 2016

TW Steel

TW Steel are a large, chunky range of watches, available in a variety of styles, colours and materials.
We have a large range online here: http://www.sarahbeth.co.uk/tw-steel-watches-227-c.asp

Sekonda Watches


We have got a nice large range of Sekonda waches!

Not only are they affordable - they also are very good quality (cosmetically and internally) and have a wide span of styles, from classic and simple, to modern and trendy.

Shop Now >>> http://www.sarahbeth.co.uk/sekonda-watches-972-c.asp


Congratulations to Lianne! You have won the Limited Edition lilac Pink Delight facet on a Lace Invitation bracelet.


Congratulations to Chris! You have won the Limited Edition Black Friday facet, a Lucky Knot bead on a Knot Invitation bracelet.

Trollbeads Lampwork Event 19/03/16


Our Trollbeads event went brilliantly yesterday! Would like to say a big thank you to Julie Fountain who was our lampworker for the day, and everyone who attended! Looking forward to see how they all turned out! — at Sarah Beth Jewellers.

Brand new Bering stock in today!

We've got the classic black and white designs along with some new grey and blue designs - very sleek and modern as always!

Pop online now: http://www.sarahbeth.co.uk/bering-1077-c.asp

Coming back to Sarah Beth Jewellers soon

The modern ceramic designs from Bering will be with us in store soon - and not far after online! We are very excited to have this back in stock, including the classic designs from the original collections, plus new grey and blue versions!

Watch this space!

Friday, 18 March 2016

Raffle Prizes For Tomorrow's Event!

At the £50 spending tier you will get an entry into a raffle to win a Limited Edition "Lilac" Pink Delight Facet, on a Lace Invitation Bracelet.

At the £100 spending tier you will get an entry into a raffle to win a Limited Edition Black Friday Facet, and Lucky Knot Bead, on a Knot Invitation Bracelet.

Really excited to see you all tomorrow, and good luck in the draws!

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Trollbeads Lampworker Event

Our Trollbeads Lampwork Event is quickly approaching!

Here are the spending tiers and all the extras you will get!

Unfortunately, all of the slots for the event are completely filled - however, you are still welcome to attend the event to watch the beads be made and take part in the other extras in the spending tiers.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Two Tone Citizen L Sunrise

The Two Tone #CitizenSunrise watch is a beautiful combination of classic and modern. It is also part of their Eco-drive collection, meaning that the watch is powered by light!
